We know the fastest way to get diamonds - Straight to your ear. What's unique about ENNUI Atelier is that our collection contains an entire range of piercing jewelry! But not just any piercing jewelry–fine, luxury pierces that have you rethinking the way you’ve gotten piercings in the past. We’re giving you diamonds from the moment you get pierced. It’s time to skip plastic studs and long months of waiting to upgrade your earrings after healing. We have a safe way to keep you in diamonds, the whole way through.
Fun (and important) facts! Our Stockholm studio uses the single needle technique (no piercing guns) for extra safety. We undergo full sterilization and we use nitrile gloves. Our goal is to always keep it easy and oh-so luxurious!
Now onto the good stuff… say hello to our piercing jewelry below. A range of carefully crafted earrings available for your piercing pleasure.